From: "Phil Rembleski" <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 4:50 AM
Subject: 3-27-24 THOUGHTS
3-27-24 THOUGHTS
A most familiar and powerful section of verses is ours this morning. The “Real Vine” desires real disciples. That’s us! I count 8 times that the word ABIDE is used in some form in this short area in the NAS Bible . The ABIDE ATTACHMENT is a RELATIONSHIP! Lord willing, I will use this passage area Sunday in a lesson titled “Teach Me Abba”! ABBA is a special word, it is also a wonderful RELATIONSHIP idea. Verse 9 below ends with “Make yourselves at home in my love.” (from the Message Bible.) Read this from a good word for word translation also. Please do some concentrated thinking on ABIDE/ABBA! Below, the words “intimate and organic” are used to describe our joining with Christ and Christ with us!
John 15:1-9 MB "I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer. 2 He cuts off every branch of me that doesn’t bear grapes. And every branch that is grape-bearing he prunes back so it will bear even more. 3 You are already pruned back by the message I have spoken. 4 "Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me. 5 "I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing. 6 Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. 7 But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. 8 This is how my Father shows who he is—when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples. 9 "I’ve loved you the way my Father has loved me. Make yourselves at home in my love.
My Prayer:Father, we pray that we will be at home with You in every way. We want to be real and mature. You desire a tender union with us, grow us to see and learn. May we allow this at home, tender relationship to happen in us. Give us a powerful desire for a closer walk with You each day. Teach us the awesomely deep ideas of abide and Abba. Help us to be real disciples. May we serve You with gladness and joy. Help us to abide in the vine and bear fruit!
In the name of our Lord, Amen.